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  • Lagan Search and Rescue

    Lagan Rescue

    Philip Batt kitted out with VP Gary and volunteers Philip, Barry and Andrew

    Lagan Search and Rescue is a Registred Charity run by unpaid volunteers. They are responsible for the area of water and the surrounds of the Lagan mouth and Harbour estate up as far as the Albert Bridge. They were formed only a few years ago and perform an invaluable service on a voluntary basis.

    On Thursday 5th February at our evening meeting we were joined by Philip Batt, Philip McDowell, Barry Carroll and Andrew Hurst who are all volunteers with Lagan Search and Rescue. Philip Batt gave us short talk on the rescue situations  they were involved in and of all the regulations they were required to comply with.

    The high degree of training the volunteers  have to go through and the unpaid time they give and the risks they take impressed all the Rotarians and guests at the dinner.



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