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  • Speakers and Visitors February 15

    Youth Services Chair Grainne Bagnall gave the Club a stimulating talk on the importance of youth services for the future of Rotary at our weekly lunch meeting on 13th February.

    She told us in her usual enthusiastic style how important it was to connect with and bring Rotary to the attention of youth of all ages whether through Rotakids(under 12 years), Interact (12 to 18) or Rotaract.

    Kristjan Raf Sig

    Kristjan Raf Sig


    Also at that meeting we were joined by Kristjan Raf Sigurdson a visitor from the Rotary club of Borgames in Iceland





    Norman Campbell OBE

    Norman Campbell OBE

    On Friday 20th February Norman Campbella retired Associate Dental Specailist in the Belfast City Hospital spoke to the Club on the history of the Belfast City Hospital and its origins as the workhouse in the mid 19th century.

    Unforunately computer problems prevented him showing his photos but this did not prevent him giving us an insight in the terrible conditionsthose less well off had to endure at that time.It has also  given us a chance to invite him back again with his photos and a further insight into the progression from workhouse to the present day moderrn hospital.

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