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  • Partners Lunch

    Finbar with Ethna Brogan and Cherry Guy and PP Sandra

    Finbar with Ethna Brogan and Cherry Guy and PP Sandra

    Birthday boy PP Dale

    Birthday boy PP Dale

    George Christy and friends

    George Christy and friends

    On Sunday 15th May Lisburn Rotarians and their partners and guests enjoyed a pre lunch drinks reception in Oasis travel in Holywood and then moved on to Fontana  Restaurant for Lunch with musical  entertainment provided  by Finbar Keaveney.some

    It was a superbly organised bu PP Sandra and her social committee with good food and the singing of Finbar even manged to get this not so young group joining in enthusiastically.

    It was a delight that Edith Burke, Ethna Brogan and Cherry Guy , widows of  three wonderful Rotarians were able to join us.

    Photos of the Lunch can be viewed on Gallery or on Rotary Club of Lisburn facebook page availible through link on menu on right side of the website page.

    Finbar Keaveney singer - Copy

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