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  • Rotary Club of Lisburn Charity Golf tournament 2009

    What a beautiful day for The Rotary Club of Lisburn Invitational Golf Tournament which took place on Thursday 10th September at Lisburn Golf Club.

    After bacon rolls in the clubhouse, 18 fourballs commenced play in a shotgun start at 2.00pm.

    All holes were sponsored and there were prizes for nearest the pin, longest drive.driving the green at the 18th and a competition to beat the pro at the short par 3  sixth hole as well as the overall prizes for the competition

    The dinner in the evening was attended by some 120 golfers and guests and representatives of the charities which would benefit.

    Gene Fitzpatrick was MC for the evening and entertained the diners in his usual style and also conducted a very successful auction.

    Thanks are due to all the Sponsors, golfers and guests who supported the event and enabled the Club to raise some £12000

    Charities which will benefit from proceeds are:-

    Revive Charity with Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children

    World Polio eradication with Rotary International.

    War on Want