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  • Speakers and Visitors November 12

    Peter Watson British Airways Pilot

    Peter Watson British Airways Pilot

    On 2nd November Peter Watson. British Airways Pilot gave us an insight into flying Jumbo Jets as well as his career path into commercial piloting

    He had some interesting information and risks involved in landing it the more difficult airports

    Alan McKelvey on Masicorp

    Alan McKelvey on Masicorp

    On 16th November PP John intoduced,Alan McKelvey who is involved with helping  with business advice and fund raising for the Masicorp Trust which is invovled with he township of Masiphumelele, near Cape Town in South Africa.It is home to more than 38,000 people. Most live in shacks. Six families or more share one water tap and toilet facility. Roughly 70% have no regular work

    ‘Masiphumelele’ – is the word in Xhosa that translates to ‘We will succeed!’.

    Alan spends several months a year in the Cape supporting the township and is spported by PP John who  also has invovlment with Masiphumelele