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  • Visit by District Governor

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    On Friday 1st February District Governor Jack Cunningham attended the Club meeting.

    President Jim gave him an update on our club activities through the Year

    District Governor Jack then reviewed his Year and the challenges for Rotary

  • Cookery Class Night Out at Tedfords

    p1220094 p1220104p1220093p1220095The members of the Cookery Class entertained teacher Chef Jim Mulholland and his wife to an evening out at Tedfords Restaurant to celebrate the end of the course.

    A great evening of good food, good wine was enjoyed by all.

  • Speakers December 12 January 13

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    Adrian Donladson, Lisburn Council/Colin Mitchell,My Job Talk/Sulaman Abdulahi,HapaNI,Ambassadorial Scholar Delia Ferguson,