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  • Support for Beechlawn and Rowandale Primary schools

    p1040331smallThe Rotary Club of Lisburn with money raised by the Club and a matching grant from Rotary International was able to make a large donation to Beechlawn and Rowandale  Primary schools

    This money was used to provide valuable teaching aids for the Schools

    The second tranche of money was presented to Francis Hughes, Headmistress at by Colin Suckling, Chair of Community and Vocational Committtee at a recent Meeting

  • New Interact Club in Wallace High School

    p1040273Wallace High School. Lisburn  formed a new Rotaract Club several months ago. With the encouragement of  andthe  sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Lisburn

    The membership has increased to over twenty and a number of fund raising events have raised a large amountof money

    Haanah Jess received an award for her outstanding contribution to the Club