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  • Trevor Guy Annual Bursary 2014

    imageA greatly  increased number of candidates applied for the Trevor Guy Annual Bursary this year.

    Olivia Brown aged 18 years from Newtownards was awarded the top award of £500. Olivia is going with a charity, Project Trust to Honduras to teach Primary School Children for a period of 12 months. on her application form she said ” Honduras is the second poorest country in Central america and is need of help from volunteers. She will also be taking on a second project helping in a local orphanage.

    The runner up was 24 year old Christopher Curry from lisburn who received £250, Chris a medical student hasbeen offered a place to spend part of his elective with the Kings Sierra Leone Partnership in Freetown,Sierra Leone.

    £150 was awarded to three other applicants.

    Georgina Milne a 27 year old’s project is to set up a food co-operative in Belfast with 2 friends to allow members of local churches, community groups and students to purchase healthy, locally produced, ethical foods at reduced cost.

    Brendan Quail aged 33 years a second year PhD student at QUB  is setting up an innovative study of the living experiences of Northern Irelands Refugee Community.

    Sarah Logan from Annahilt is volunteering for a year with L’Arche charity in Nova Scotia helping adults with disabilities