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  • Various Speakers and Visitors throughout the year

    Stanley Matchett, Photographer,August 14

    Stanley Matchett, Photographer,August 14


    Sandy Smith on CS Lewis, August 14

    Sandy Smith on CS Lewis, August 14

  • Clean up on River Lagan Towpath


    On Saturday 23rd May Nigel Beggs Community Committee organised a group of Rotarians to collect litter and perform a clean up along the Lagan towpath from Lisburn. Many bags of litter were collected.

  • New Members

    P1060509 - Copy P1060513 - Copy        The Rotary Club of Lisburn welcomed two new members Cathy Hanna and Johnny Simpson at Friday Lunch in April.

    Cathy a Human Resources Consultant was introduced by 1st VP Gary Corkin and Johnny a Financial Consultant was introduced by Paul Duggan. President Sam welcomed them into the Club and added that they would make an excellent addition to the Club.