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  • An Evening with Ruan Pienaar and Robbie Diack

    There are a few places still available for what promises to be an excellent event organised by Richard Darrah and the  International Committee at Belfast Harlequins, Deramore Park Clubhouse. Tickets £35 per head

    Ulster’s South African Rugby Stars Ruan Pienaar and Robbie Diack will talk about moving to Ulster from South Africa and their experiences of Life and Rugby in South africa and  Ulster.

    After a welcoming drink a two course fork Supper will be served accompanied by musical entertainment by the Lagan Sea Horses.

    Following this Alan McKelvey (Volunteer Director of Masicorp) will interview Ruan and Robbie.

    All funds raised will go to Masicorp  a charity which works with the township of Masiphumelele in the Westsern Cape.

    We encourage any members who have not already signed up for this event to support it if possible. At present we have approx 110 tickets sold and have a limit of 130

  • Evening Meeting Thursday 7th April

    The Road to Mandalay

    Our next Thursday evening meeting will be on Thursday 7th April and I have invited Dennis and Jill Wilson from Glenavy to come as our speakers.

    Some of our members may know them – they have made a number of quite amazing long trips in various cars that they have access to.They have an old Rolls Royce which they drove from Paris to Peking – yes Paris to Peking !

    Their most recent trip was  from Raffles’ Hotel, Singapore into Burma and the title of their slide show and presentation is “The Road To Mandelay.”

    You can imagine these are no ordinary journeys and would encourage members  to come along on Thursday evening 7th April, I don’t think they will be disappointed.


    The President would be delighted if members  were to bring a guest to this Rotary evening meeting.