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  • The Rotary Club of Lisburn mourns the loss of PP and Paul Harris Fellow John McIlroy

    PP President John McIlroy

    PP President John McIlroy

    John McIlroy joined the Rotary Club of Lisburn in 2003 proposed by another dedicated  Rotarian,sadly no longer with us,PP Brian Burke. John immediately became an enthusiastic Rotarian and was soon Chairman of the International Committee. He travelled to Guatemala with a group from Habitat for Humanity to help building homes for under priviliged locals.

    In 2007 he became Second Vice President leading up to his year as President in 2009/10.He lead a very successful year culminating in a wonderful Presidents at Home in his beautiful house hosted by his wife Hazel.

    He also later travelled to Uganda with Fields of Life again helping build a school for local children.

    John was a keen and comptetive golfer and many times took part in the RIBI Golf at St Andrews, gaining selection to the Irish team on several occasions. He was also involved in the first years of  Rotary Club of Lisburn Invitational Golf Day which is now in its 8th year,having raised large amounts for charities.He could always be relied upon to produce a number of fourballs and sponsors for this event .John was always  generous in his support golf events,all you needed to do was ask.

    He had battled Cancer bravely over two years and in June this year he organised a superb Golf Day and Gala Dinner at Malone Golf Club (his home club) raising a large amount of money for Cancer Charities.

    The Club was delighted to honour him making a Paul Harris fellow in June this year 2016. He was delighted with this honour.

    John was an Architect and a successful property developer but the most important thing to him was his family.Hazel his wife,Gareth his son and Andrea his daughter however had to take a back seat  when it came to his grandchildren.

    John will be terribly missed in Rotary where he did so much and was never afraid to speak his mind.The club members extend their sympathy to Hazel, Gareth,Andrea and all the family

  • 8th Invitational Golf day raises over £20000 for Charities

    The Winning Team

    The Winning Team

    The First Lady,Barbara Black

    The First Lady,Barbara Black

    The Best Gross

    The Best Gross

    The 8th Rotary Club of Lisburn Invitational Golf Day,raising fund for Charities we support,took place in fine weather on Thursday 8th September. The event was again well supported with some 22 fourballs competing over 18 holes after a shotgun start.Players were treated to coffee and bacon rolls before setting off with goody bags supplied by PRM to provide sustenance during the round.

    After the golf the Lisburn Golf Club Caterer provided  an excellent meal. Gene Fitzpatrick was again our superb host for the evening. Firstly we had a short talk from the representatives of the Charites we were donating to,The Cancer Fund for Children and the Stroke Association. Gene then conducted the auction,in his usual encouraging and humourous style.this was followed by the presentation of prizes.

    The smooth running of the day was a credit to  Alan Moore and his team and other Rotarians who helped on the day.Thanks are also due to all our sponsors and teams who together allowed the club to raise over £20000 for the Charities.