Clean up on River Lagan Towpath
On Saturday 23rd May Nigel Beggs Community Committee organised a group of Rotarians to collect litter and perform a clean up along the Lagan towpath from Lisburn. Many bags of litter were collected.
New Members
The Rotary Club of Lisburn welcomed two new members Cathy Hanna and Johnny Simpson at Friday Lunch in April.
Cathy a Human Resources Consultant was introduced by 1st VP Gary Corkin and Johnny a Financial Consultant was introduced by Paul Duggan. President Sam welcomed them into the Club and added that they would make an excellent addition to the Club.
Presentation of award of Champions of Change
On March 17th 2015 at the House of Lords at a special ceremony PP Trevor Stewart was presented with a Champion of Change Award for his great work since 2011 in involving many Rotary Clubs throughout Ireland in the Jole Rider project.
Rotary Club of Lisburn Supporting Lisburn Sea Cadets
Lisburn Sea Cadets which had been in existence for many years had been suffering organisational difficulties. At a presentation to the Club it was explained that if it was not possible to have help on the organisational side the group would fold.
PP David Browne agreed to help and met up with the Commanding Officer and discussed their needs.
As a result he agreed to Chair the Management Committee and PP Sandra McCabe also agreed to sit on the Committee
The Unit has now been put on a sound footing and is in the process of purchasing a new boat. The Rotary Club of Lisburn will help with the funding of the new boat which is essential for their training.
PP David Browne highlighted the actions of one of the Sea Cadets in a recent nomination by a member of the public who witnessed an incident in Belfast and notified the principal f RBAI.
One of the cadets, OC Moffett has been awarded a ‘Principal’s Award’ for good citizenship! OC Moffett was in Belfast when he came across a member of the public who was unconscious so OC Moffett swung into action and performed first aid which he learned through the Sea Cadet Corps for the individual! OC Moffett said, “I feel delighted with myself that I have been recognised for something good that I have done”. He also said, “It fills me with pride to know that I can learn something in Sea Cadets that is useful in real life situations”!
The Rotary Club of Lisburn supporting SOS Bus
SOS Bus NI is a volunteer centred charity that is making a real difference to children, young people and adults on the streets of Belfast during the night time economy period. It offers a unique mobile service that can be located wherever it is needed. Trained volunteers and medical staff operate from specially designed and equipped vehicles deploying satellite foot and mobile patrols to extended areas of need. This ensures that professional caring services are delivered to the vulnerable in times of crisis when required.
SOS Bus NI believes in partnerships and works with other voluntary organisations, the emergency services and statutory bodies to create a safer place for everyone. It is committed to growing and delivering this help wherever it is needed.A number of Rotarians mainly from the Belfast Club volunteer to man the bus.
Recently an appeal to bridge a funding gap was made and The Rotary Club of Lisburn made a donation which along with support from many others enabled this service to continue to carry out its vital work
Rotary Celebrating International Womens Day
It was an early start at Malone Golf Club for Rotarians and friends for breakfast to celebrate International Womens Day. A large contingent of Rotarians and Partners from the Rotary Club of Lisburn along with Rotarians from many other Clubs,Soroptomists and friends enjoyed a hearty breakfast.
Siobahn McGary of Downtown radio was MC for the morning and introduced the Speakers. Carolyn Mawhinney a new member of Rotary explained how and why she had come to be join Rotary and how it appealed to her sense of service..
The Lord Mayor of Belfast Nicola Mallon was a special guest and talked about her career path in politics and how women were still very much in the minority.
PP Sandra McCabe who was heavily involved in the organisation of the event talked about International Womens day.
The awards were then presented
Evening Meeting 5th March
TheThursday evening meeting was well attended with several guests joining the members. The speakers for the evening were Reverend Peter O’Reilly of St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church Enniskillen and Rev erend Ken Hall of St McCartins Church of Ireland Enniskillen.
They gave us a very interesting insight into how they had built up their relationship over the years and brought along their flock to all be supportive of the visit of Her Majesty the Queen to Enniskillen. It was avery interesting talk on advancing community relations in difficult circumstances many years after the Enniskillen Remembrance Sunday bombing.
Visit to Rotary Club of Enniskillen and Loughan Open prison
The Rotary Club of Enniskillen welcomed RIBI President Peter King. D.G Philip Beggs and Jole Rider Directors David Swettenham and Helen King and representatives of other Clubs to a special meeting to mark Bike 1500 for the Gambia.
PP Trevor Stewart (Mr Jole Rider District 1160) lead a party of 10 Rotarians from Lisburn for an excellent lunch with the Enniskillen Club at the Killyhevlin Hotel.
President Angela McKinney chaired the meeting and introduced DG Philip and RIBI President Peter who each gave a short talk.
After lunch most people then travelled to Loughan Open Prison to see at first habnd the great work being done in bringing the many bikes into good condition before their shipping to the UK and then Gambia.
Bike 1500 which will soon be shipped was designated to th Newtownabbey RC.We met the three inmates servicing the bikes and were most impressed by the whole set up.
Having braved the cold and damp weather, we all adjourned for a warming cup of tea and a short talk from David Swettenham about the final delivery of the bikes to Gambia and the hope of spreading to other African counties such as Sierra Leone.
The Prison Governor and Staff were also very positive about the benefit to the inmates of being involved in a charitable project.
The Lisburn Party returned home by 6.00pm
Speakers and Visitors February 15
Youth Services Chair Grainne Bagnall gave the Club a stimulating talk on the importance of youth services for the future of Rotary at our weekly lunch meeting on 13th February.
She told us in her usual enthusiastic style how important it was to connect with and bring Rotary to the attention of youth of all ages whether through Rotakids(under 12 years), Interact (12 to 18) or Rotaract.
Also at that meeting we were joined by Kristjan Raf Sigurdson a visitor from the Rotary club of Borgames in Iceland
On Friday 20th February Norman Campbella retired Associate Dental Specailist in the Belfast City Hospital spoke to the Club on the history of the Belfast City Hospital and its origins as the workhouse in the mid 19th century.
Unforunately computer problems prevented him showing his photos but this did not prevent him giving us an insight in the terrible conditionsthose less well off had to endure at that time.It has also given us a chance to invite him back again with his photos and a further insight into the progression from workhouse to the present day moderrn hospital.
2nd Rotary Abseil
Three Lisburn Rotarians,PP Dale Orr, Kyle Harper and Alan Moore braved the heights and the wet weather to abseil from the top of the Europa Hotel at 11am on Sunday 22nd February.
Rumour has it that Kyle nearly had a refusal. but all the more credit to him for going through with it
Members may sponsor them in this brave event to raise funds for the Cancer Fund for Children.
Dale,Kyle and Alan were supported by a number of members who came along but kept their feet firmly on the ground.
Hopefully more pictures to follow.