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  • Uganda Visit and Fields of Life

    Presentation Cheque to Richard Spratt, Fields of Life

    Presentation Cheque to Richard Spratt, Fields of Life

    At The Club Meeting on Friday 23rd October President David presented a cheque for £9000 to Richard Spratt in support of  ‘Fields of Life’

    In February 2012 a team of volunteers from Christ Church in Lisburn traveled to Uganda. Four members of the Rotary Club  of  Lisburn joined the team as part of the group. The Mission of the group was to help with the building of a school at  Apollo Church, which is situated in area north of Kampala. This area was  formerly known as ‘The Killing Fields’ after the terrible loss of life during the civil war.

    The project was under the direction of ‘Fields of Life’.which is an organisation committed to sharing the Christian faith by collaborating with local communities and churches in East Africa to bring about positive change through the provision of quality education, clean water, health promotion and other community based projects.

    The cost of building the school was paid for by the parishioners of Christ Church and the building was assisted by the Team. In addition to the building of the School, the project required considerable ongoing support  and this is still being undertaken by the parishioners.

    The Rotary members were so enthused by the project that they  recruited the Rotary Club of Lisburn to become involved in raising funds in various projects. As a result some £6000 was raised to help build a kitchen and to provide equipment for the school to provide cooked meals for the greatly increased numbers of children now attending.

    A grant of a further £3000 has been awarded by Rotary District 1160 in Ireland, bringing the total Rotary contribution to £9000

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