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  • Trevor Guy Annual Bursary 2014

    bursary-poster2The Rotary Club of Lisburn, Trevor Guy Memorial Trust Fund will be opening for applications for the year 2014 on 1st February.

    Clicking on the Annual Bursary on the website will provide details of how to apply and what qualities you might offer the interview panel

    The Bursary Winner in 2013 was Ryan Smith18 years old from Lisburn. Ryan was travelling to George in South Africa for 12 months to help set up a Sports Academy for street children in that area.

    Ryan has experience of this  type of work having helped disadvantaged children in Romania previously.


    Mark Fair with President David

    Mark Fair with President David

    At our Club Meeting on the 17th January 2014 we were delighted to welcome Mark Fair the Bursary Winner for 2012.

    Mark had returned after spending a year teaching in a primary school in Guyana.

    The School he taught in was in the middle of dense forest many miles from developed parts of Guyana. Facilities were  very basic and the small village was little changed by the modern world.

    Mark gave us a very interesting powerpoint presentation

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