Speakers December/January/ February
Dr Henry Brown a Consultant Nephrologist at Belfast City Hospital was introduced to the Club by Donald Minshull on Friday 13th December
He gave us a very interesting talk on the problems of Kidney disease and the need for donors
On Friday 7th February Assistant Chief Constable Judith Gillespie joined us for lunch and gave us a short talk on the work of the PSNI
George Christy a former colleague thanked her for taking time out of her busy schedule to update us on the difficult tasks facing the PSNI
David Forsey and David Cairns representing the Soldiers Charity were our guest speakers at out Club lunch on friday 21st February.
David Cairns had joined the territorial army and trained as a medical orderly and had served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He now works as a cartographer for the PSNI
He gave us an insight into the way injured service men were treated initially and then their transfer to hospital.
David Forsey then told us how the Soldiers Charity provided aftercare for military personal and their dependants for many years after their service to the country