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  • International womens Day

    aD03 9048-2696In image-7read03_9025cognition of International Women’s Day 2014 Rotary Ireland held a breakfast Friday 7 March attended by over 100 business and professional men and women Rotarians and guests.
    The celebratory breakfast was held in Malone Golf Club and was one of 5 concurrent events held in Belfast, Dublin, London, Edinburgh and Cardiff organised by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, in partnership with UN Women. Reflecting the 2014 international Women’s Day theme Equality for women is progress for all, the Belfast breakfast acknowledged the accomplishments of women in business, in their profession, personal lives, volunteering and those at home
    Sandra McCabe PP Lisburn Rotary Club, introducing the Award, stated that the many nominations received had been reduced to a shortlist of 6 and it had been a unanimous decision to award it to Noleen who, unknown to many, has given inspiration to hundreds of women across the province who have been affected by cancer. Diagnosed with breast cancer aged 22, 13 years later she has been re-diagnosed with secondary liver and lung cancer and is continuing to receive treatment and to fight and defy the odds. Despite this she and her husband have acted as a short term foster carer to a number of teenage children and in 2006 she founded the Pretty ‘n’ Pink charity as she wanted to help raise awareness of breast cancer, particularly in younger women. Having experienced the needs faced by cancer patients and their families Noleen also wanted to help provide funding for practical necessities as well as helping create lasting memories and an escape from cancer if only for a short period of time. In the first year of the charity she donated £15,000 to the Belfast City Hospital Cancer Centre to help with patient care. She achieved this with the help of family and friends and took part in numerous charity events such as skydives and several Belfast Marathon Fun Runs.

    For a full report of the event click on the link below

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