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  • Speakers March/April

    Richard Pollock

    Richard Pollock

    Richard Pollock one of our newer members gave the Club a my job talk at the Club lunch on Friday 21st March

    He gave us insight into his career in financial services and gave us some thoughts on recent budget changes to pensions.

    Rev Harold Good

    Rev Harold Good

    The Reverend Harold Good joined us at our evening meeting on the 3rd of April. He was involved in the peace process over many years and had been a witness to the decommissioning of arms by the IRA. He was constrained in what he could tell us but was still very informaitive about his role and the background to the peace process in Northern Ireland.

    Henry Smith

    Henry Wilson

    Henry Smith a local Historian had spoken to us earlier in the year on Erskine Childers. He kindly agreed to stand in on 11th April at short notice and gave us  a very interesting  talk on the Easter Rising its background and the repercussions. Thanks again to Henry for helping us out at such short notice

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